The majority of people have crooked teeth to some degree. If you are among them, the chances are that you've considered getting your teeth straightened. But there are many reasons we find for avoiding getting straightening done, most of them associated with traditional orthodontics.
Traditional orthodontics means wire braces, which are an unappealing option for many people. You may not want wire braces because:
o You don't want the inconvenience of regular dental visits for adjustment
o You are afraid the wires and adjustments will be uncomfortable
o You don't like the thought of having to clean around your braces
o You don't want to have to wait years for straighter teeth
o You think braces will make you self-conscious about your smile
By far the most common reason is the last one, but for many people all these reasons come together to prevent them from seeking straightening of their teeth. If you are one of these people, there are two very good options available these days for you to get your teeth straightened without all the disadvantages of traditional orthodontics.
Instant Orthodontics
Instant orthodontics is something of a misnomer, since this technique doesn't involve orthodontics at all. Instead, this technique uses porcelain veneers to make your teeth appear straighter and more even. Instead of moving the roots of your teeth into alignment, instant orthodontics leaves your roots in place and puts porcelain material on the tooth, essentially replacing the misaligned and crooked dental enamel with perfectly-aligned dental porcelain.
This process takes just a few weeks, and your teeth will be fully functional immediately.
Invisalign is a different system for straightening your teeth. In this system, a series of clear plastic trays are designed by a computer to gently push your teeth into place, leaving you with a perfect straight smile. The trays are worn at night or at some other time for a period of several hours. The trays are worn in a precise sequence, traded out every two weeks or so, each one pushing your teeth closer to the ideal smile. Because the trays are removable, they do not require any special cleaning regimen, and because they are clear, most people will not notice you are wearing them.
This period takes longer than Instant Orthodontics, from six months to a year, depending on the level of correction required.
Which Is Better?
Many people want to know which of these alternatives is a better solution for crooked teeth, but the truth is that there is no such thing as an absolute better treatment, only a better treatment option for you. Depending on the state of your teeth, one or the other treatment might be a better option for you, and although you can only know which is best for sure by consulting with a cosmetic dentist, here are some basic principles:
o Instant Orthodontics are better if you need only minor correction on the straightness of your teeth, or if you need simultaneous correction of discoloration, chips, cracks, or uneven teeth, because porcelain veneers correct these conditions as well. It has the advantage that you do not need to wear a retainer to keep your teeth from drifting back to their previous position.
o Invisalign is better for people who need a fair degree of correction, but otherwise have good, strong, healthy white teeth. In addition, the final Invisalign tray can be used as a retainer to keep your teeth in place and prevent further misalignments that may occur as a result of chewing, grinding, and crowding.
No matter which option you choose, either choice is better than the traditional wire braces for giving you teeth straightening.